The Deputy Clerk & Manager Legislative Services presents the report on the Flag Protocol Policy as appended on the agenda. The report recommends for revisions on the Policy's half masting, flag raisings and updates to the procedures for special requests from the community.
The Mayor opens the floor to questions from the Members.
A Member supports that the Town participate in half masting for mourning at Town Hall and requests for the flagpoles at OPP station and Fire Station No. 1 also be lowered during half masting due to their close proximity to Town Hall.
A Member seeks clarification on Attachment 2 on flagpole locations and the highlighted yellow locations. The Manager explains that the locations highlighted in yellow are flagpole locations recommended for removal. The locations highlighted in white have been identified as regional parks or location with national or international significance to the Town. The Member supports the recommended removal of flagpoles due to the number of locations and the associated costs to maintain.
The Mayor requests that the flagpole at Carling Park be maintained due to the significance of various tournaments at this location.
A Member further recommends that St Mary's park flagpole be maintained.
The financial implications of removing flagpoles is raised and that Director Parks & Recreations explains that each location will be assessed and that the work will be completed by staff.