Minutes of a Regular General Meeting of the

Town of Tecumseh Business Improvement Area (TOTBIA)

Meeting #:
Tecumseh BIA Office
12122 Tecumseh Rd. E. Unit 2
Tecumseh, ON
  • Chair, Leo Demarce
  • Vice Chair, Laura Carcelen
  • Treasurer, Sandra Zanet
  • Director, Josh Shepley
  • Director, Jules Champoux
  • Director, Heba Al Faouri
  • Councillor, Brian Houston (liaison)
  • Councillor, James Dorner
  • Director, Eddy Hammoud
Also Present:
  • BIA Coordinator, Kim McFadden

The meeting is called to order at 6:08 pm by Leo Demarce, Chair.

No disclosure at this meeting.

Holofilm display

Motion: BBM - 59/24

Moved by Josh Shepley

Seconded by Sandra Zanet

That Tania May Ceolin's, prior President to Holographics Canada, presentation of an interactive ornament (for the BIA Parkette) to the Board, be accepted.


Motion: BBM - 60/24

Moved by Jules Champoux

Seconded by Josh Shepley

That the October 15, 2024 regular general meeting minutes of the Town of Tecumseh Business Improvement Area as were duplicated and delivered to the members, be adopted.


Motion: BBM - 61/24

Moved by Sandra Zanet

Seconded by Jules Champoux

That the December 5, 2024 annual general meeting minutes of the Town of Tecumseh Business Improvement Area as were duplicated and delivered to the members, be adopted.


Motion: BBM - 62/24

Moved by Sandra Zanet

Seconded by Heba Al Faouri

That all reports as presented to the Board be accepted.


2025 budget proposal presentation

The Chair provides a verbal report to the Board on the 2025 budget proposal presentation to the Town at the Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, December 10, 2024. The TOTBIA 2025 proposed budget was approved.

October & November 2024 financials

The Treasurer reports on the October and November 2024 financials.

Annual General Meeting debrief

Kim McFadden facilitates a debriefing of the AGM. Board of Directors suggest a move back to Town Hall next year, with a mix & mingle outside Council Chambers including refreshments and facetime with community leaders for members.

Community Improvement Plan amendment

Councillor Brian Houston provides a verbal report to the Board that the Town will be adjusting and widening the CIP area.

Social media and digital marketing plan.

October Analytics

November Analytics

Comprehensive Marketing Strategy tabled to the next regular general meeting. Exploring passport to area restaurants for visitors with ESC consultancy. 

The Governance committee is working on processes to increase inter-committee participation. Microsoft 365 set-up for board members to be worked on at next RGM.

Reserve transfer, bookkeeping plan, regular board meeting date & time.

Motion: BBM - 63/24

Moved by Sandra Zanet

Seconded by Josh Shepley

That $15,450 be transferred to the reserve account.



Moving bookkeeping back to a monthly plan is tabled to the next RGM when a quote from By the Book should be available.


Motion: BBM - 64/24

Moved by Sandra Zanet

Seconded by Jules Champoux

That the regular general meeting be set to the third Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm.


Tecumseh Dollars certificates 2024 redemptions entry and prospective board member application.

Motion: BBM - 65/24

Moved by Josh Shepley

Seconded by Sandra Zanet

That up to 10 hours of work at $101.70 ($90 plus HST) per hour in December from By the Book Bookkeeping for entering 2024 redemptions of Tecumseh Dollars certificates be approved.


Motion: BBM - 66/24

Moved by Jules Champoux

Seconded by Heba Al Faouri

That Carlyn Bistany's application to join the board be endorsed for appointment by the Town.


The next regular general meeting is scheduled on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 6:00 pm to be held at the TOTBIA office.

Motion: BBM - 67/24

Moved by Sandra Zanet

Seconded by Josh Shepley

That there being no further business, the Tuesday, December 17, 2024, meeting of the Town of Tecumseh Business Improvement Area be adjourned at 7:41 pm.
