Patricia McGorman explains that her interest in the Plan is in the conservation of our heritage and presents her presentation as appended on the agenda. She outlines concerns with the natural features of the land, woodlots, and prime agricultural land being used. She is opposed to this plan.
The Director Development Services responds to the presentation regarding the settlement area lands have been identified for development. There has been an environmental assessment has been completed to protect the woodlot and will be incorporated into the planning at the Town.
The Mayor opens the floor to questions from the audience in the gallery. There are no questions presented.
The Mayor opens the floor to questions to the Members.
In response to the school designated sites through the school boards communication item appended on the agenda, the Director Development Services explains that in the Plan there is one designated site along the Banwell corridor for one elementary school. The communication item also references two other sites for the planning district of Manning Road area.
A Member raises the proposed sidewalk on Gouin Street and inquires why there is not a sidewalk for Maisonneuve to Lesperance. The Director Public Works & Engineering Services explains that there is no sidewalks identified in the area as of yet. He advises that as development proceeds in the Tecumseh Hamlet, these connections will need to be made on the noted streets.
A Member inquires on the comments made regarding the Plan's impact on existing home values. The Director Development Services advises that the Plan is developed from a planning perspective of capability and to co-exist with a new use. Our goal is that the uses are compatible and harmonious with the neighbourhood.
A Member raises the request from developers to increase density and is there a capacity availability in this area. The Director Development Services explains that the municipality has been balancing several issues such as ensuring that development can exist with existing development. He adds that there are limitations on what can be developed with density such as sewage capacity, road networks and traffic. Given the current design of main street, it would not allow for more residential development in these areas. The municipality has spent considerable time on looking at diverse housing options along with a changing housing market, and to respond to the housing market conditions that can work in this location.
A Member inquired if there are specific details on the medium density lot sizes that are designated for west of Corbi Lane. The Director provides that the Plan establishes minimum requirements for density. He adds that the Town has not establish minimum setbacks, depths or frontages. The Plan does address medium and high density building to be fronting the road.
A Member inquired on the next steps in the process and when a report would come back to Council. The Director advises that a report may be forthcoming in November which will identify all the issues raised from this public meeting and with a recommendation on how to proceed.