Public Meeting of Council


Meeting #:
Tecumseh Town Hall - Council Chambers
917 Lesperance Road
Tecumseh, Ontario N8N 1W9
  • Mayor, Gary McNamara
  • Deputy Mayor, Joe Bachetti
  • Councillor, James Dorner
  • Councillor, Brian Houston
  • Councillor, Tania Jobin
  • Councillor, Rick Tonial
  • Councillor, Alicia Higgison
Also Present:
  • Chief Administrative Officer, Margaret Misek-Evans
  • Director Legislative Services & Clerk, Robert Auger
  • Director Public Works & Engineering Services, Phil Bartnik
  • Director Community & Recreation Services, Beth Gignac
  • Director Development Services, Brian Hillman
  • Director Financial Services & Chief Financial Officer, Tom Kitsos
  • Deputy Clerk & Manager Legislative Services, Jennifer Alexander
  • Deputy Clerk - Clerks Services & Policy Advisor, Christina Hebert
  • Manager Planning Services & Local Economic Development, Chad Jeffery
  • Development Engineer, Shane McVitty

The Mayor calls the meeting to order at 5:43 pm.

We acknowledge that we are on land and surrounded by water, originally inhabited by Indigenous Peoples who have travelled this area since time immemorial. This territory is within the lands honoured by the Wampum Treaties; agreements between the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, Lenni Lenape and allied Nations to peacefully share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. Specifically, we would like to acknowledge the presence of the Three Fires Confederacy Ojibwe, Odawa, Potawatomi and Huron/Wendat Peoples. We are dedicated to honouring Indigenous history and culture while remaining committed to moving forward respectfully with all First Nations, Inuit and Métis.

There is no pecuniary interest declared by a Member of Council.

The purpose of the meeting is to hear public comment on the proposed Official Plan amendment required to incorporate the Tecumseh Hamlet Secondary Plan into the Tecumseh Official Plan.

Re: Laura Herlehy and Brent Hooton, Associates, Dillon Consulting Limited; and Dorsa Jalalian, Associate, Senior Urban Designer, DIALOG

The Consultants, Dorsa Jalalian of Dialog, and  Laura Herlehy and Brent Hooton of Dillon Consulting limited, present the PowerPoint presentation as appended on the agenda.   

Re: Tecumseh Hamlet Secondary Plan

Mr. Kirtsis resides at 1864 Corbi Lane and reiterates his comments in a letter circulated to Council in January on the Tecumseh Hamlet Secondary Plan (Plan) as appended on the agenda. His comment on the Plan pertains to the one street that abuts immediately west of Corbi Lane. As a resident of Corbi lane, it is his desire to have more of a buffer zone from the current residential area before higher density residential zone. In the current design, the medium density would allow for three to four storey residences only one-half block from Corbi Lane. He is requesting that the first street immediately west of Corbi Lane be designed with a one block buffer zone with a low-density single-family homes on both sides of the street. He has no comments on the remainder of the Plan and believes the Town is doing a good thing with the development in the area.

Re: Tecumseh Hamlet Secondary Plan

Mr. John Sisti explains that he has a problem with the Town buying three feet of his property and has two cement lion statues which will need to be removed as indicated in his letter as appended on the agenda. He inquires on who will pay for the statues to be removed as may be hazardous to pedestrians and motorists.  He also raised concern on the appraisal price for the property.

The Director Public Works & Engineering Services advises on the property acquisition and the road authority for Banwell Road is the City of Windsor and not the Town. He adds, Mr. Sisti should contact the City of Windsor on his concerns.

A Member requests that the Director Development Services outline how this plan affects the existing area of Intersection and Banwell Roads.

The Director provides an overview of the area at Intersection and Banwell Road.  He advises on the Plan's design of the surrounding undeveloped lands by using a number of established design guidelines, with the priority of transitioning from low density of the existing Hamlet and gradually move west with higher density units. He adds the focus would be on Banwell Road which would have a higher volume of traffic, transit supported, and in this corridor, the Plan identifies higher density areas. He explains that development in this area will take several years to have this Plan implemented. 

Re: Tecumseh Hamlet Secondary Plan

Mr. David Pedro resides at 11608 Intersection Road for the past nine years with his wife and children. He acknowledges the Director Development Services explanation on the Plan with the surrounding lands of the residential area at Intersection and Banwell Roads. He is concerned over the high density designated for the area where he resides. He feels that this Plan does not include his home, and it is replacing our community with something different. Mr. Pedro explains that this residential area is a community of homes, with long time residents. He purchased his home with the expectation of raising his children there.  He is completely floored over this Plan. He expressed opposition to this Plan as it relates to this area and requests that this Plan be revised in a meaningful way that respects residents of Tecumseh.  He was not consulted on this plan as key landowner.   

Re: Tecumseh Hamlet Secondary Plan

Mr. Hal Kersey resides at 984 Clinton Avenue in Windsor.  He is the spokesperson for 1486044 Ontario Limited whose owners include Sterling Ridge Group, Giorgi Developments and Peter Valente; 2034053 Ontario Ltd, and 2041235 Ontario Ltd. He requests for greater diversity in housing choice, and residential intensification with higher densities for housing in the Plan which will address the market demand.  In addition, Mr. Kersey requests that the Town consider a small non-residential note on Odessa Drive for the option of a future Light Industrial/Business Park.  Mr. Kersey speaking notes are filed in the Clerk's office.  

Re:Tecumseh Hamlet Secondary Plan

Komal Sanghera did not attend the meeting for their delegation to Council.

Re: Tecumseh Hamlet Secondary Plan

Mr. Geogeo Ahad resides at 11606 Intersection Road and explains that he was excited that his residence was going to be apart of the Town with development coming into the area.  Mr. Ahad reviewed the Plan and learned that his property was going to be directly impacted by a six-storey building which is completely disregarding the current residents.  He feels betrayed and abandoned.  He adds, at no point did the Town come to speak to him or his neighbours about the Plan and how it would affect the residents.  He is very disappointed with the Town and respectfully requests Council to reconsider the Plan.

Tecumseh Hamlet Secondary Plan

Mr. Jonathan Michienzi resides at 1967 Corbi Lane and represents many residents on Corbi Lane. He explains his property is on the west side which overlooks a field. Mr. Michienzi remarks that this development would affect him alot.  He understands the need for housing in the Town and requests Council to change the location of the medium density housing that is adjacent to Corbi Lane.  He advises that residents have been to the information sessions to voice their concerns, but this Plan does not address them adequately when there is a solution to move the medium density buildings one block west to minimize the impact to current residents of the area.  He adds that some concerns were address with privacy and site lines in the presentation but he feels a lot of details were missing in the analysis provided and not taking into account different house layouts and lot sizes. He adds that he is concerned with his property value and the location of the medium density buildings.

Mr. Michienzi states the citizens of Corbi Lane are frustrated as they have presented these concerns before and there hasn’t been any resolution on it. He adds there are aspects of the Plan that they like.  Ultimately, they would like to minimize the impact to existing residents as there is still a lot of room in the plan for this to happen. 

Re: Tecumseh Hamlet Secondary Plan

Mr. Jonathan Brajak resides at 11610 Intersection Road which he recently purchased and plans to renovate.  He adds that his home is located where there is to be high density residential.  He opposes the Plan for high density residential dwellings on or near his property.   

Re: Tecumseh Hamlet Secondary Plan

Patricia McGorman explains that her interest in the Plan is in the conservation of our heritage and presents her presentation as appended on the agenda. She outlines concerns with the natural features of the land, woodlots, and prime agricultural land being used.  She is opposed to this plan.

The Director Development Services responds to the presentation regarding the settlement area lands have been identified for development.  There has been an environmental assessment has been completed to protect the woodlot and will be incorporated into the planning at the Town.

The Mayor opens the floor to questions from the audience in the gallery.  There are no questions presented.

The Mayor opens the floor to questions to the Members.

In response to the school designated sites through the school boards communication item appended on the agenda, the Director Development Services explains that in the Plan there is one designated site along the Banwell corridor for one elementary school. The communication item also references two other sites for the planning district of Manning Road area.

A Member raises the proposed sidewalk on Gouin Street and inquires why there is not a sidewalk for Maisonneuve to Lesperance.   The Director Public Works & Engineering Services explains that there is no sidewalks identified in the area as of yet.  He advises that as development proceeds in the Tecumseh Hamlet,  these connections will need to be made on the noted streets.

A Member inquires on the comments made regarding the Plan's impact on existing home values. The Director Development Services advises that the Plan is developed from a planning perspective of capability and to co-exist with a new use.  Our goal is that the uses are compatible and harmonious with the neighbourhood.

A Member raises the request from developers to increase density and is there a capacity availability in this area.  The Director Development Services explains that the municipality has been balancing several issues such as ensuring that development can exist with existing development. He adds that there are limitations on what can be developed with density such as sewage capacity, road networks and traffic. Given the current design of main street, it would not allow for more residential development in these areas.  The municipality has spent considerable time on looking at diverse housing options along with a changing housing market, and to respond to the housing market conditions that can work in this location. 

A Member inquired if there are specific details on the medium density lot sizes that are designated for west of Corbi Lane.  The Director provides that the Plan establishes minimum requirements for density.  He adds that the Town has not establish minimum setbacks, depths or frontages. The Plan does address medium and high density building to be fronting the road.

A Member inquired on the next steps in the process and when a report would come back to Council. The Director advises that a report may be forthcoming in November which will identify all the issues raised from this public meeting and with a recommendation on how to proceed.  

  • Motion: PCM -20/24
    Moved ByCouncillor Rick Tonial
    Seconded ByCouncillor Brian Houston

    That Report DS-2024-24 Tecumseh Hamlet Secondary Plan, Presentation of Draft Document and Scheduling of Public Meeting be received.

  • Motion: PCM -21/24
    Moved ByDeputy Mayor Joe Bachetti
    Seconded ByCouncillor James Dorner

    That there being no further business, the Tuesday, September 24, 2024 meeting of the Public Council Meeting be adjourned at 7:12 pm.
