Policies and Priorities Committee Meeting


Meeting #:
Tecumseh Town Hall - Council Chambers
917 Lesperance Road
Tecumseh, Ontario N8N 1W9
  • Mayor, Gary McNamara
  • Deputy Mayor, Joe Bachetti
  • Councillor, James Dorner
  • Councillor, Alicia Higgison
  • Councillor, Brian Houston
  • Councillor, Tania Jobin
  • Councillor, Rick Tonial
Also Present:
  • Chief Administrative Officer, Margaret Misek-Evans
  • Director Legislative Services & Clerk, Robert Auger
  • Director Public Works & Engineering Services, Phil Bartnik
  • Director Community Safety & Fire Chief, Wade Bondy
  • Michelle Drouillard
  • Director Technology & Client Services, Shaun Fuerth
  • Director Community & Recreation Services, Beth Gignac
  • Director Development Services, Brian Hillman
  • Director Financial Services & Chief Financial Officer, Tom Kitsos
  • Deputy Clerk & Manager Legislative Services, Jennifer Alexander
  • Manager Customer Service, Amanda Circelli

​The Mayor calls the meeting to order at 4:00 pm.

We acknowledge that we are on land and surrounded by water, originally inhabited by Indigenous Peoples who have travelled this area since time immemorial. This territory is within the lands honoured by the Wampum Treaties; agreements between the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, Lenni Lenape and allied Nations to peacefully share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. Specifically, we would like to acknowledge the presence of the Three Fires Confederacy Ojibwe, Odawa, Potawatomi and Huron/Wendat Peoples. We are dedicated to honouring Indigenous history and culture while remaining committed to moving forward respectfully with all First Nations, Inuit and Métis.

Add Caldwell First Nation

​There is no pecuniary interest declared by a Member of Council.

There are no Delegations presented to the Committee.

There are no communication items presented to the Committee. 

The Director highlights the Travel Policy - Council as appended on the agenda. He explains that the Department reviewed the Town's Travel Policy No. 14 and determined based on municipal best practices that Council Members should have a separate travel policy given their roles and responsibilities. He advised that revisions will be forthcoming with a revised travel policy for municipal employees and appointed officials.    

The Mayor opens the floor to questions on the policy. 

In response to an inquiry on meal allowance, the Director clarifies what is allowed under the meal allowance provisions in this policy.

  • Motion: PPC -01/24
    Moved ByCouncillor Brian Houston
    Seconded ByCouncillor Alicia Higgison

    That Report FS-2024-04 entitled “Travel Policy – Council” be received;

    And that the Travel Policy – Council in Attachment 1 be recommended by the Policies and Priorities Committee for approval and adoption at the April 9, 2024, Regular Council Meeting;

    And further that existing Town Policy 14, entitled “Travel Policy” continue to be in effect for Municipal employees and Appointed Officials;

    And furthermore, that a policy similar in nature and intent to the Travel Policy – Council be developed for Municipal Employees and Appointed Officials for the next Policies and Priorities Committee meeting.


The Manager Legislative Services & Deputy Clerk advises on the revisions to the Awards Policy No. 2 as appended on the agenda. The Mayor opens the floor for questions from the members.

A Member suggested that award recipients receive an award pin and that Administration review if this is feasible.     

  • Motion: PPC -02/24
    Moved ByCouncillor Rick Tonial
    Seconded ByDeputy Mayor Joe Bachetti

    That Report LCS-2024-08 entitled “Revisions to Awards Policy No. 2” be received;

    And that the revisions to Awards Policy No. 2 in Attachment 1, and the new Terms of Reference for the Awards Review Committee in Attachment 3 to Report LCS-2024-08 be recommended for approval and adoption by Council at the April 9, 2024 Regular Council Meeting.


The Director Public Works & Engineering Services presented the Community Safety Zone Policy as appended on the agenda.  The Director provides an overview of the Policy.  The Mayor opens the floor for questions.  There were no questions from the Members.  

  • Motion: PPC -03/24
    Moved ByCouncillor James Dorner
    Seconded ByCouncillor Brian Houston

    That Report PWES-2024-18 Community Safety Zones Policy 123 be received;

    And that Policy 123 in Attachment 1 to Report PWES-2024-18 Community Safety Zone Policy 123 be recommended for approval and adoption by Council at the April 9, 2024 Regular Council Meeting;

    And further that the recommended update to Schedule A (List of Community Safety Zones) of the Community Safety Zone By-law 2015-53, as amended, be prepared and considered by Council through the adoption of an Amending By-law at the April 9, 2024 Regular Council Meeting;

    And furthermore that Administrative Report PWES-2024-18, Policy 123 and the Motion of Council be sent to the Clerk for the County of Essex requesting they be placed on the next regular meeting of County Council’s Agenda, for consideration to amend the effective times to “24 hours/day, 7 days per week” for those County Roads listed in Schedule “I” of County By-law 51-2013 that are located within the Town of Tecumseh.


The Director provides an overview of the Policy as appended on the agenda.  The Mayor opens the floor for questions from the Members.  There are no questions from the Members.

  • Motion: PPC -04/24
    Moved ByCouncillor Brian Houston
    Seconded ByCouncillor Tania Jobin

    That Report PWES-2024-19 Controlled Pedestrian Crossing Policy 124 be received;

    And that Policy 124 in Attachment 1 to Report PWES-2024-19 Controlled Pedestrian Crossing Policy 124 be recommended for approval and adoption by Council at the April 9, 2024 Regular Council Meeting.


The Director provides an overview of the School Safety Zone Policy as appended on the agenda.  The Mayor opens the floor for questions from the members.

 A Member inquires on the on the high traffic areas with cars, the Director advises that they would look at the operational aspects of each school to see if there are any enhancements such as additional parking, no parking signs, in addressing school pick up and drop offs. 

  • Motion: PPC -05/24
    Moved ByDeputy Mayor Joe Bachetti
    Seconded ByCouncillor Alicia Higgison

    That Report PWES-2024-20 School Safety Zones Policy 125 be received;

    And that Policy 125 in Attachment 1 to Report PWES-2024-20 School Safety Zones Policy 125 be recommended for approval and adoption by Council at the April 9, 2024 Regular Meeting of Council;

    And further that a By-law for the designation of School Safety Zones be prepared and considered by Council at the April 9, 2024 Regular Council Meeting;  

    And furthermore, that the recommended updates to Schedule P (Rates of Speed) of the Traffic and Parking By-law 2001-36 as amended, be prepared and considered by Council for adoption by way of an Amending By-law at the April 9, 2024 Regular Council Meeting;  

    And furthermore, that subject to the approval and adoption of the foregoing Policy 125 and By-laws described above, the review and analysis of the twelve (12) School Safety Zones in 2024 be authorized by Council and funded in the amount of $180,000 from the Road Lifecycle Reserve, at the April 9, 2024 Regular Council Meeting;

    And furthermore, that Administrative Report PWES-2024-20, Policy 125 and the Motion of Council be sent to the Clerk for the County of Essex requesting they be placed on the next regular meeting of County Council’s Agenda, for consideration to implement a School Safety Zone on County Roads adjacent to Tecumseh Schools.


The Director presents the Speed Mitigation and Traffic Calming Policy as appended on the agenda. The Policy is highlighted as well as the process for a petition to have Administration review a traffic mitigation request for a particular street.   The Mayor opens the floor to questions from the Members.

A Member inquires if Administration will be proactive or reactive on traffic mitigation on streets that may be extremely busy when development increases in the Town and traffic patterns change.  The Director explains that there are a few streets where data has been collected over the years which will indicate if the thresholds are close to presenting a speed concern. If this happens, he advised that Administration can begin the process for mitigation measures on those identified streets. 

A Member inquires on photo speed cameras and the Town investing in these devices to start enforcement in an effort to be proactive and take action.  The CAO advises that the Police Services Board has reviewed these devices and the technology is not available yet for the Town to acquire.  She adds that this is a work in progress and the Board will continue to monitor and see when the technology becomes available. 

A  Member requests if funding can be allocated in the budget for when the photo radar devices become available.  The CAO advises that the Member could raise this request during the budget process for 2025. 

The CAO advises that this Policy should be sent back to the department to be revised based on this discussion and feedback from Council  as there is no language regarding proactive data driven requests on major roads for speed mitigation measures.  The Director advises that the policy will be accordingly  revised to reflect Council's remarks and be presented at the next Regular Council Meeting on April 9, 2024.. 

  • Motion: PPC -06/24
    Moved ByCouncillor Rick Tonial
    Seconded ByCouncillor Brian Houston

    That Report PWES-2024-21 Speed Management and Traffic Calming Policy 126 be received;
    And that Policy 126 in Attachment 1 to Report PWES-2024-21 Speed Management and Traffic Calming Policy 126 be revised as amended with language to allow the Director Public works & Engineering Services to initiate the data collection and analysis process under the policy for road segments where historical data has identified speeding concerns; 

    And that the Traffic Calming Policy, as amended, be recommended for approval and adoption by Council at the April 9, 2024 Regular Council Meeting. 


The Director highlights the School Crossing Guard Program as appended on the agenda.  He outlines the Town's current crossing guards compliment at seven locations in the Town.  The guidance from the School Crossing Guard Guide indicates that the crossing guards are a single purpose and doesn't reflect all needs in the community. 

The Mayor opens the floor to questions from the members.

A Member inquires on the funding for these crossings improvements and if the funding for crossing guards will be automatically allocated to crossing improvements. The Director Financial Services explains that the funding allocation for crossing improvements would be a budget consideration during budget deliberations.

A Member inquires on if the Town is responsible of school crossing guards through Provincial legislation.  The Director explains the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act and that it is the municipality's financial responsibility should there be a school crossing guard program. 

In response to the school safety zone measures outlined in the noted policies appended on the agenda, the Director advises further that there will be a review of street lighting, pedestrian facilities, and sidewalk ramps for accessibility compliance at all locations.   

A Member requested that Administration contact the superintendents and principals at the local schools regarding the proposed information sessions.  

A Member inquires on Tecumseh Vista School not being on the school crossing guard list, and raises increased traffic concerns with the County Road 42 expansion and Cranbrook subdivision.  The Director advises with respect to the report, the area reviewed was only the seven locations where there are school crossing guards.  He explains that part of the school safety zone policy presented, Administration will be reviewing and coordinating with the County of Essex for school safety zones at Tecumseh Vista and St. Mary's Schools.  School pedestrian crossings on County roads would be a special request to the County.

  • Motion: PPC -07/24
    Moved ByCouncillor Rick Tonial
    Seconded ByCouncillor Alicia Higgison

    That Report PWES-2024-22 School Crossing Guard Program be received;

    And that Administration be directed to bring a report to the April 23, 2024 Regular Council Meeting regarding the discontinuation of the current School Crossing Guard Program, should the following pedestrian crossover and traffic control measures be approved through the adoption of the:

    • Community Safety Zone Policy 123
    • Controlled Pedestrian Crossing Policy 124
    • School Safety Zone Policy 125

    And furthermore that, subject to Council’s decision on the School Crossing Guard Program in April, Administration coordinate information sessions with the local schools and boards affected by this change in approach to Crossing Guards prior to the end of the current school year in June 2024.


There are no unfinished business items presented to Council.

There is no new business items presented to Council.

The next Policies & Priorities Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 28, 2024.

  • Motion: PPC -08/24
    Moved ByCouncillor Rick Tonial
    Seconded ByCouncillor Tania Jobin

    That there being no further business, the Tuesday, March 26, 2024 meeting of the Policies and Priorities Committee be adjourned at 5:21 pm.
