Ms. Misek-Evans advised that the minutes are provided for information only. They are the most recent available.
Mayor Bondy noted that Mary Birch, former Clerk for the County of Essex, has retired. She would like to know if Ms. Birch has been replaced and feels that a member of this board should sit at the Leadership Table. Ms. Misek-Evans will enquire about Mary Birch's replacement and also if Supt. Loucas has replaced former Inspector Angela Ferguson on the Leadership Table.
Mayor McNamara expressed his support of Mayor Bondy's recommendation, as did Member Hales.
Chair Sweet questioned whether the Leadership Table would be more on the administrative side. He offered to represent the Board on the Leadership Table, if appropriate.
Mayor Tracey Bailey questioned who holds terms of reference. Ms. Misek-Evans advised that the minutes are provided to City Council and County Council for approval, as they co-funded the Plan and its subsequent implementation.