Public Meeting of Council


Meeting #:
Electronic meeting live streamed at:
  • Mayor, Gary McNamara
  • Deputy Mayor, Joe Bachetti
  • Councillor, Bill Altenhof
  • Councillor, Andrew Dowie
  • Councillor, Brian Houston
  • Councillor, Tania Jobin
  • Councillor, Rick Tonial
Also Present:
  • Chief Administrative Officer, Margaret Misek-Evans
  • Director Parks & Recreation Services, Paul Anthony
  • Director Public Works & Environmental Services, Phil Bartnik
  • Director Fire Services & Fire Chief, Wade Bondy
  • Director Information & Communication Services, Shaun Fuerth
  • Director Planning & Building Services, Brian Hillman
  • Director Financial Services & Chief Financial Officer, Tom Kitsos
  • Director Corporate Services & Clerk, Laura Moy
  • Deputy Clerk & Manager Legislative Services, Jennifer Alexander
  • Manager Planning Services, Chad Jeffery
  • Manager Strategic Initiatives, Lesley Reeves

The Mayor calls the meeting to order at 5:00 pm.

There is no pecuniary interest declared by a Member of Council.

The purpose of the meeting is to hear public comment on a proposed Housekeeping Zoning By-law Amendment to the Sandwich South Zoning By-law 85-18 pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990.

Currently, there are three separate settlement areas in the Town’s Official Plan pertaining to lands within the former Sandwich South area, that collectively, identify areas where long-term urban uses are to be established.  Within each of these three settlement areas, future development lands are either within a Hamlet Development Designation (requiring further study and Official Plan amendments to determine and identify the ultimate preferred urban land uses) or a specific urban land use designation (such as the Maidstone Hamlet Residential designation).

The proposed housekeeping amendment would have the effect of changing the zoning on these lands to a site-specific “Agricultural Zone (A)” that would permit all of the uses in the “Agricultural Zone (A)” with the exception of livestock intensive agricultural uses and greenhouses.  In addition, it will continue to prohibit mushroom farms.

The Director Planning & Building Services highlights the planning report PBS-2020-24 Housekeeping Amendment to limit Permitted uses on Agricultural zoned lands in Hamlet Development Designation, as listed on the Agenda.

Re: Response to Proposed Housekeeping Amendment to Sandwich South Zoning By-law 85-18

Judy Robson, a resident of Oldcastle who owns lands that are designated Hamlet Development in the Official Plan. She supports the restrictive amendments to the Agriculture zone that ensure the conflict between urban and agricultural land uses is minimized as development proceeds in Oldcastle.  She agrees with the intent of the housekeeping amendment to regulate intensive agricultural operations and new farming developments with significant investments that may have a long-term impact and potentially delay the conversion from agriculture to urban land uses.

Ms. Robson disagrees with restricting greenhouses entirely, as defined in the by-law, as it may interfere with some existing agricultural uses that provide economic benefit to farmers. She raised concern regarding the greenhouse construction on Highway 3.

The Mayor asks the delegation to keep her comments on the proposed zoning by-law amendments and not on an approved building permit.

Peter Angermann resides in the Maidstone Hamlet and requests clarification of greenhouses for cannabis production and intensive agricultural uses. The Director Planning & Building Services provides clarification on these terms and the type of uses proposed to be prohibited. The Director explains the planning documents that guide zoning by-law amendments regarding a range of land use and development decisions. He clarifies that the proposed amendments to the zoning by-law would prohibit greenhouses on agricultural zoned land in the Hamlet areas.

Mary and Joe Ondic send their regrets in not participating in this meeting.

Mr. Burford explains his concerns with the odor of cannabis production in greenhouses. The Mayor asks that his remarks be kept to the proposed zoning by-law amendment.

Mr. Burford indicates his major issue is that the proposed by-law amendments do not mention the word cannibas

Ms. Susanne Rau expresses her concerns with the cannabis greenhouse currently being constructed on Highway 3 and the lack of public consultation on this development.  The Mayor asks the delegation to keep her comments specific to the draft zoning by-law amendment which is outlined in the PBS-2020-24 report on the agenda.

This delegation left the meeting and did not provide comment to Council.

Ms. Eugeni sends her regrets and is not attending the meeting as a delegation.

The Mayor opens the floor for any further questions.  There are no further questions raised from the delegations.

A Member inquires on the proposed zoning by-law amendments regarding their restrictions and application.  Specifically, it is requested that Ms. Robson clarify the farming practices that use technology similar to greenhouses.

Ms. Robson explains that the goal is to have more residential properties in the Oldcastle to provide a balanced, healthy, sustainable community.  She notes that she owns one of the largest remaining properties of agricultural lands in Oldcastle, and states that the by-law amendment simply indicating no greenhouses is too restrictive.  Ms. Robson comments that the definition of greenhouse in the Sandwich South Zoning By-law does not go into detail, but it does define a greenhouse as any plastic structure on land.  She explains that some farmers in the spring use plastic cover on seedlings to assist and protect with crop development, creating a greenhouse like affect. Ms. Robson further states that there is no flexibility in the proposed greenhouse prohibition for a personal use garden greenhouse. She would like the by-law to establish dimensions for acceptable greenhouse uses.

The Director clarifies existing zoning by-law regulations and that a greenhouse is currently permitted under the existing Agricultural zone regulations.  He further speaks to the Official Plan regarding the Hamlet Development He notes that Administration will bring back a report to Council including a review of the concept of small scale greenhouses for personal use and farming practices involving plastic coverings on crops as it is not the intent of the proposed zoning by-law amendment to prevent traditional farming practices.

The Mayor requests that any delegations submit their written notes to the Clerk's office to be filed.

In response to an inquiry on greenhouses as a permitted use, the Director indicated that the proposed amendment is to prohibit a greenhouse to be constructed on agricultural zoned lands.

A Member suggests to quantify the term intensive agriculture use so that everyone understands the limits and constraints associated.  The Director explains the term as it relates to livestock operations and how it relates to other legislation and regulations imposed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs.

The Mayor explains that the delegations at this meeting will be notified when the final report on this matter will be presented to Council.

  • Motion: PCM -19/20
    Moved ByCouncillor Andrew Dowie
    Seconded ByDeputy Mayor Joe Bachetti

    That Report PBS-2020-24 be approved, and

    Further that the scheduling of a public meeting in accordance with The Planning Act, for the proposed housekeeping zoning by-law amendment to the Sandwich South Zoning By-law 85-18 to limit the permitted agricultural uses on lands zoned Agricultural Zone (A) within settlement areas as delineated in the Sandwich South Official Plan, be authorized, once Council formally approves the holding of virtual public meetings.

  • Motion: PCM -20/20
    Moved ByCouncillor Bill Altenhof
    Seconded ByCouncillor Rick Tonial

    That there being no further business, the Tuesday, October 13, 2020 meeting of the Public Council Meeting be adjourned at 6:06 pm.
