Court of Revision

Tecumseh Town Hall - Council Chambers
917 Lesperance Road
Tecumseh, Ontario N8N 1W9

We acknowledge that we are on land and surrounded by water, originally inhabited by Indigenous Peoples who have travelled this area since time immemorial. This territory is within the lands honoured by the Wampum Treaties; agreements between the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, Lenni Lenape and allied Nations to peacefully share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. Specifically, we would like to acknowledge the presence of the Three Fires Confederacy Ojibwe, Odawa, Potawatomi and Huron/Wendat Peoples. We are dedicated to honouring Indigenous history and culture while remaining committed to moving forward respectfully with all First Nations, Inuit and Métis.

Chair Statement:

The purpose of the meeting is to hear from any affected owner who wishes to appeal his/her assessment or any part thereof as set out in the Drainage Report, prepared by Tony Peralta, P.Eng., of N.J. Peralta Engineering Ltd., dated August 2, 2024.

Chairs Statement:

The purpose of this Court of Revision is to hear appeals regarding the Schedule of Assessment only. 

This Court does not have the authority to make any changes to the technical aspects of the Drainage Report. If you have concerns on the technical aspects to the proposed drainage works, the Drainage Superintendent can provide you with the information to apply for an appeal.

The Schedule of Assessment is the total cost for the proposed drainage works.  If the Court decides to change an individual assessment, the difference will be reallocated to the assessments of the other affected land owners. 

The Clerk has confirmed that no written appeal notices have been received in accordance with Drainage Act timelines or if any  written appeals were received they are now appended to this published Agenda.

Pursuant to s. 52(2) of the Drainage Act , this Court upon resolution will now hear any late verbal appeals from Landowners present at this meeting who wish to speak to the Schedule of Assessment.

If any appeals are received or presented then this Court shall render a decision on such appeal(s)


  • Recommendation

    That the Appeal(s) from Landowner_________ be dismissed or accepted with the following amendments to be noted and made to the Schedule of Assessment.  

Being a by-law to provide for the repair and improvements to the J.C. Smith and Mc Pherson Drain

  • Recommendation

    That Communications items for the J.C. Smith Drain and McPherson Drain listed as A to C on the agenda be received;

    And that the Drainage Report for the J.C. Smith and McPherson Drains as prepared by Tony Peralta, P.Eng, of Peralta Engineering dated August 2, 2024 be approved and that the assessments herein be confirmed as (presented/amended);

    And further that By-Law 2025-024 be recommended for third and final reading upon the expiry of the appellants appeal period.