That the correspondence, dated July 12, 2023 from the Violence Against Women Coordinating Committee Windsor-Essex, a cross-sectional committee comprised of community-based organizations that work together to provide a coordinated response for women experiencing violence and their children, seeking support in declaring Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) an epidemic in Windsor Essex County, be received and supported;
And that Town of Tecumseh Council recognizes the issues of violence against women and children in Windsor-Essex as serious to the health and wellness of local families;
And further that the Town of Tecumseh hereby declares intimate partner violence as an epidemic and advocates for the systemic change that needs to occur in all of our communiities to best protect those at risk;
And furthermore that this resolution be forwarded to the Premier, Local Members of Provincial Parliament, and the Minister of Women’s Social and Economic Opportunity in support of provincial legislation to address family violence, and request that intimate partner violence by formally declared an epidemic in Ontario.