Police Services Board for the Town of Tecumseh


Meeting #:
Tecumseh Town Hall - Council Chambers
917 Lesperance Road
Tecumseh, Ontario N8N 1W9
  • Councillor, Rick Tonial
  • Member, Marc Gomes
  • Chair, Christopher Hales
  • Vice-Chair, Paul Sweet
  • Mayor, Gary McNamara
Also Present:
  • OPP Inspector Angela Ferguson
  • OPP Staff Sergeant, Jamie Smith
  • Secretary, Margaret Misek-Evans, CAO
  • Recording Secretary, Ellen Preuschat

Chair Christopher Hales called the meeting to order at 4:30 pm.

Mayor Gary McNamara was absent due to vacation.

There was no pecuniary interest declared by a member of the Board.

  • Motion: PSB -25/23
    Moved byCouncillor Rick Tonial
    Seconded byMember Marc Gomes

    That the Agenda for the Police Services Board Meeting, dated Monday, October 2, 2023, as duplicated and delivered to the members thereof, be accepted.

  • Motion: PSB -26/23
    Moved byVice-Chair Paul Sweet
    Seconded byCouncillor Rick Tonial

    That the Regular Minutes of the June 26, 2023 Police Services Board Meeting, as duplicated and delivered to the members thereof, be adopted.


There were no delegations presented to the Board.

Inspector Angela Ferguson provided a summary of the OPP Report for the months of June to August 2023.  Councillor Rick Tonial noted that Mental Health Response Unit calls may be decreasing as a result of the program's success in educating residents about community resources other than police available to assist with mental health crisis calls.  

Chair Hales asked if efforts to deter park vandalism have been successful.  Staff Sgt. Smith responded that the incident rate has in fact decreased this year.  Efforts to mitigate park vandalism have included more cameras, CPTED lighting, a community safety walk and social media campaign.

Inspector Ferguson noted that 911 misdials have again increased somewhat.  CAO Margaret Misek-Evans offered the Town's assistance in amplifying any social media messaging around this.

  • Motion: PSB -27/23
    Moved byMember Marc Gomes
    Seconded byCouncillor Rick Tonial

    That the OPP Report for the months of June to August 2023, be received.


There were no reports presented to the board.

Re: Notice of Meeting - November 30, 2023

Vice Chair Paul Sweet and Member Marc Gomes confirmed their attendance at the next OAPSB Zone 6 meeting, scheduled for November 30 in St. Thomas, ON. 

Re: Letter of Condolence (Detective Constable Steven Tourangeau)

  • Motion: PSB -28/23
    Moved byVice-Chair Paul Sweet
    Seconded byCouncillor Rick Tonial

    That correspondence detailed as Item J1 - J3, Communications for Information, be received.


Chair Hales noted that St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Lakeshore held an appreciation service for first responders this past weekend.  Inspector Ferguson and Staff Sgt. Smith attended, and were appreciative of the support shown to Essex County OPP.

  • Motion: PSB -29/23
    Moved byVice-Chair Paul Sweet
    Seconded byCouncillor Rick Tonial

    That PSB Motion 23/23 be rescinded.


Re: CAO and OPP Update

CAO Margaret Misek-Evans reported that a grant application to the Preventing Auto Thefts (PAT) program was submitted through Tecumseh on behalf of a number of southwest Ontario police services boards.  If successful, this substantial grant would fund equipment and training to assist officers in preventing and detecting auto thefts in the region.  The application is currently under review by the Ministry of the Solicitor General and the CAO will provide a status update when available.

Re: CAO Update

CAO Margaret Misek-Evans summarized the recent surveys received from the OAPSB soliciting stakeholder input on proposed regulations for the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 (CSPA).  She noted that many of the regulations under review are of an operational nature and therefore not in the board's purview; however, a response was submitted regarding the Adequate and Effective Policing (General) Regulation under the CSPA based on feedback from the board.  She also noted that the Training under the CSPA regulation stipulates a six-month window for board members to receive training following appointment.  This seems a reasonable amount of time, so no response was required.  She also explained that under the proposed Amount Payable by Municipalities for Policing from OPP under the CSPA regulation, the calculated contract amount will continue to apply for a three-year period after the new legislation comes into effect and eliminates OPP municipal contracts.  Finally, it is expected that a regulation on detachment boards will be forthcoming soon and the board will be consulted on this review.

  • Motion: PSB -30/2023
    Moved byCouncillor Rick Tonial
    Seconded byMember Marc Gomes

    Whereas the current Agreement for the Provision of Police Services Under Section 10 of the Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15 (PSA) between Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario as Represented by the Solicitor General (Ontario) and the Corporation of the Town of Tecumseh will conclude on the earlier of (i) December 31, 2023, or (ii) the date that the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 (CSPA) comes into force;

    And whereas the CSPA has not yet come into force;

    And whereas under s. 4(1) of the PSA the Municipality is required to provide adequate and effective police services in accordance with its needs;

    And whereas the date that the CSPA will come into force is as yet unknown;

    Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Police Services Board recommend to Tecumseh Town Council to enter into an Amending Agreement with Ontario to extend the duration of the current policing contract to conclude on the 31st day of December 2025 (i.e. two years).


Re: CAO Update

CAO Margaret Misek-Evans informed the board that the draft 2024 Police and Police Services Board budget will be brought forward for review at the November 6 board meeting, with a presentation to Council scheduled for November 28.

November 6, 2023 at 4:30 pm

  • Motion: PSB -31/23
    Moved byCouncillor Rick Tonial
    Seconded byMember Marc Gomes

    That there being no further business to discuss, the Monday, October 2, 2023 meeting of the Tecumseh Police Services Board adjourn at 5:05 pm.
