Public Council Meeting

Meeting #:
Electronic meeting live streamed at:

The purpose of the meeting is to hear public comment on a proposed Housekeeping Zoning By-law Amendment to the Sandwich South Zoning By-law 85-18 pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990.

Currently, there are three separate settlement areas in the Town’s Official Plan pertaining to lands within the former Sandwich South area, that collectively, identify areas where long-term urban uses are to be established.  Within each of these three settlement areas, future development lands are either within a Hamlet Development Designation (requiring further study and Official Plan amendments to determine and identify the ultimate preferred urban land uses) or a specific urban land use designation (such as the Maidstone Hamlet Residential designation).

The proposed housekeeping amendment would have the effect of changing the zoning on these lands to a site-specific “Agricultural Zone (A)” that would permit all of the uses in the “Agricultural Zone (A)” with the exception of livestock intensive agricultural uses and greenhouses.  In addition, it will continue to prohibit mushroom farms.