That the tender for the Tecumseh Hamlet Secondary Plan Area – Northwest Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Project in the amount of $12,283,284 excluding HST, be awarded to Rudak Excavating Inc.;
And that By-law 2025-26 be given the first, second, third and final reading to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute an agreement, satisfactory in form to the Town’s solicitor, with Rudak Excavating Inc.;
And further that Administration be authorized to sign a letter of scope change, or such other further documents as may be necessary with Stantec Consulting Ltd., in accordance with the Purchasing Policy, to provide for the additional scope of services required during detailed design to address the project phasing modifications;
And furthermore, that funding allocations reflecting a total budget requirement of $14,858,469 with a $12,846,854 decrease to the original allocation be accommodated as follows:
- Wastewater Sewer Reserve Fund – decrease from $18,146,750 to $9,415,200
- Watermain Reserve Fund – decrease from $4,698,573 to $4,119,582
- Road Lifecycle Reserve – decrease from $3,510,000 to $204,946
- Storm Sewer Lifecycle Reserve – decrease from $1,350,000 to $1,118,741