That Report DS-2024-43, titled “Old Castle Heights Residential Subdivision – Phase 1, Placing of Services on Maintenance/Release of Building Permits and Part Lot Control Exemption for Lots 1-6 and Blocks 71-89 on Plan 12M-709 for Creation of Individual Lots for Semi-detached and Townhouse Units”, be received;
And that Council authorize the placement of the municipal services on maintenance and the release of building permits for Phase 1 of the Old Castle Heights Residential Subdivision, in accordance with the requirements of the registered Oldcastle Heights Inc. Development Agreement;
And further that By-Law 2024-101, having the effect of removing certain parcels of lands, more particularly described as Lots 1-6 and Blocks 71-89 on Plan 12M-709, as registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Essex (12), from the provisions of part lot control under Section 50(5) of the Planning Act, which By-law shall expire three years from its date of adoption, and in accordance with Section 50(7.3) of the Planning Act, be adopted;
And further that By-Law 2024-101 be forwarded to the County of Essex, the Approval Authority, for its consideration and final approval, in accordance with Section 50(7.1) of the Planning Act;
And further that upon approval of By-Law 2024-101 by the County of Essex, that it be registered on title in accordance with Section 50(28) of the Planning Act.